
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Unplanned Writing

Lagi jobless dikantor, iseng-iseng browsing plus googling cari-cari info buat rencana liburan natal ke Kepulauan Seribu. Eh, pas liat-liat foto-foto di Kepulauan Seribu di google, ga sengaja liat foto temen di Pulau Harapan. Langsunglah aku klik tautan foto itu. Ternyata fotonya ada di blog dia. Niat awal cuma mau baca tentang cerita dia liburan plus foto-fotonya, eh malah keterusan baca-baca tulisan-tulisan dia. Emang dasar kepo. hehehe. 

Sebenernya bukannya kepo, tapi tiba-tiba inget sama blog ini. Tiba-tiba ngerasa 'i have so many things to be written'. Terakhir nulis soal Toraja. I even haven't written my precious trip to Mecca and Medina on June. Then, my duty to visit Ambon, Maluku and North Sumatera. Owh,,,rasanya kalo pas lagi tugas, udah sering ngebatin 'ah besok aku mau nulis begini begini dan begini'. Tapi sering banget juga pas udah balik ke Jakarta dan udah di depan laptop plus udah buka, ujung-ujungnya naluri nulisnya ilang. Kadang bingung mau dimulai darimana. Ujung-ujungnya baca-baca blog yang aku follow. hehehe. Yah, begitulah saya. ^^v

Tapi memang sudah menjadi rahasia umum kalo katanya nulis itu susah. Yes, it is and I do agree about it. But, it doesn't mean can't be tried. Actually, I do love writing. I ever joined an organization in my college and I was put in Media Department which is related to journalism. So, my task was to write the articles for wall magazine, booklet or even magazine. All of them are written in English. I was push not only to write a good article, but also to ensure that my articles are free from grammatical errors. Two years in this department gave me so many knowledge. I learned about writing, interviewing the speaker, hunting the news, making a concept of wall magazine and the last but not least, I learned how to make a design with Corel Draw. Owhh, that made me fell in love with graphic design.

Well, that was my story about my interest in writing. Unfortunately, after graduate from college, I didn't continue my interest to work as a journalist. I was more interesting with accounting. But, that is also not my job. hehehe. I follow my parents interest for being the Civil Servants. And yes, this is I am, one of the Civil Servant in one of Ministry in Indonesia. Even, I am not a journalist or accounting, but I enjoy my job. There are a lot of things that I never see, know and learn before. Especially about civil engineering. I wrote the other things in this blog.

Waahh,, ga kerasa udah bisa nulis empat paragraf aja. Padalah ga ada tema khusus untuk tulisan aku yang satu ini. Emang ya kalo follow the flow itu santai. Kita nulis semau otak, hati dan tangan. Kalo yang pernah aku baca soal gimana cara ngilangin males nulis adalah dengan maksa diri kita sendiri buat nulis. Dan mesti ditekanin kalo nulis itu ga harus dengan bahasa baku atau teratur (ini khusus nulis di blog). Kalo tulisan untuk presentasi di kampus atau kantor pastinya harus dengan tulisan yang baku doonk. hihihihi. 

Okayyy,, mungkin sudah harus diakhiri ni tulisan yang tanpa arah dan tema. Well, the conclusion is..........let's write!! Whatever the topic is, whatever the story is, and whatever the ways of writing is. Make writing as our habit!! *kalo ini aku juga akan berusaha ^^ fightiiinggggg!!!!


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