Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII) is funded by the Goverment of
Australia (GoA) through Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The goal of IndII is to promote
economic growth by working with the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in enhancing infrastructure policy, planning and investment. Inspectorate General of Ministry
of Public Work (IG MPW) is one of the partner of IndII which gets a grant to
make any betterment in IG management. The main purpose from this project is
improving level of Internal Audit Capability Model (IACM) from level 2 to level
are three programs to support this project. They are institutional strengthening,
better procurement practices, and enhanced anti-corruption environment. In order
to make this project succeed, IndII cooperates with other consultants such as Ms
Libby MacRae (IIA) wrote the Standard on IACM , Bob McDonald (IIA Sub-Committee
on IACM; former Chief Internal Auditor, MPW Queensland, Chief Internal Auditor
of Queensland Health Ministry), PwC Indonesia and International /
National consultants /auditor for technical & financial audits – all Full
Time (Arun Hemraj). They are also
helped by Change Management Unit (CMU), a team from Inspectorate General of MPW.
Wednesday-Thursday, 29th-30th of August 2012, all consultants present the
matter relate to the program that they are expert in. The audiences were Inspector General of MPW, Inspector I-IV, Area Coordinator, Team Leader, and
CMU team. There were three matter in this presentation. First, there was
Internal Audit Capability Model that were presented by Libby Macrae and Bob
McDonald. The second was Procurement in Indonesia by Rob Thompson (former LKPP
advisor: Procurement expert). The last was Change Management by Steve Harris.
the next, IndII and those consultant will work together with all parties in IG
MPW to run this project. There will be transfer knowledge from those
consultants to HR of IG MPW by training and mentoring. Further, IG MPW will has
a better management and better human resources capacity as well. So, the main
purpose of this project in improving level 3 IACM can be achieved.